Technological and societal developments and growing concerns about climate change, environmental degradation and scarcity of resources are changing the nature of work. The current socio-economic needs demand TVET’s role in developing skills and provide knowledge to pave the way towards a green economy and green societies.
Dr. Pramod Shrestra (center) orienting the participants about the program arrangements.
Because of the importance and urgency of these concerns, the topic of TVET for Socio-Economic Transformation was selected as the theme for the Regional Program (RP) organized jointly by the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC), Manila the Diploma Engineers Association, Nepal (DEAN) and the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Nepal. It was held from October 1-3, 2018 at the Hotel Marsyangdi in Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal.
The event was attended by 23 officials, administrators and TVET experts from Bhutan, Fiji, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand, as well as representatives from the Institute of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh (IDEB) and Diploma Engineers Association of Nepal (DEAN).
The lectures and presentations of the speakers were designed for the participants to identify appropriate approaches and techniques for TVET systems and outlined the processes and tools to be used in achieving socio-economic transformation. It is also expected that they will be able to develop appropriate strategies and framework to address TVET socio-economic transformation issues. An understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship and leadership in TVET is also expected through the development of a suitable action-based Plan for TVET Pathways for socio-economic transformation.
Participants visiting the Balaju Technical College.
In addition to the classroom lectures, a study visit to the Balaju Technical School in Kathmandu was also included to provide an example of the operations of an actual TVET institution.
Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane during his presentation on “TVET for Socio-Economic Transformation: Basic Concepts & Principles”
The program was supervised by a tripartite committee headed by Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane, CPSC Director General; Mr. Pushpa Raman Wagle, CTEVT Member Secretary and Engr. Kameshwar Prasad Singh, President of DEAN. Local arrangements were facilitated by Prof. Pramod B. Shrestha, PhD, the Former Professor & Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University. He was assisted by the local coordinators: Mr. Tek Bahadur Malla, Director of the CTEVT Technical Division and Engr. Jibran Ghimire, General Secretary of DEAN. Ms. Casey Alvarez, CPSC Human Resources Officer, accompanied the delegation as the CPSC staff assigned to the program.