A total of twelve (12) senior administrators, CEOs, directors and TVET practitioners from Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and the Philippines attended a three-day training on project management held at CPSC’s headquarters from April 17-19, 2018. The program was CPSC’s premiere undertaking on the subject and was opened for the participation of the public through its website for the first time.
The program was designed for the participants to be able to learn the dynamics, definitions and processes in project management. They were also expected to understand project planning, project implementation and project evaluation as key phases in project management. Part of their tasks were geared to prepare project problem tree analysis, objective and solution which would help them to design project proposal using the project log framework matrix. At the end of this course, the participants were expected to apply project management tools and methodologies for managing TVET programs and projects.
The three-day event was supervised by the Director General, Dr. Ramhari Lamichhane and was coordinated by CPSC’s Faculty Specialist, Ms. Therese Lee. Dr. Chithral Ambawatte, CPSC Faculty Consultant and Mr. Rae Emmanuel Echaveria, CPSC Acting Research, Publications and Information Officer provided additional materials as resource persons.
As part of their training activities, a study tour of several institutions particularly the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP); International Training Center and Hospitality Institute, Inc (ITCHI) and the Training Center of the Makati Development Corporation. They were also able to visit some key sights in Manila as part of their exposure trip.
The participants during the study visit at the Development Academy of the Philippines in Ortigas, Pasig City.
The participants doing one of the tasks assigned to them.