A number of outstanding personalities in the field of technician education and training will be invited to serve, in an honorary basis, as advisers to the Governing Board and the Director General, with a view to heightening the sensitivity of the College to the needs of the region and increasing its effectiveness in meeting them.
CPSC invites from participating countries a number of outstanding personalities in the field of technician education and training and industry to serve, in an honorary basis, as advisers to the Governing Board and the Director General, with a view to heightening the sensitivity of the Staff College to the needs of the region and increasing its effectiveness in meeting them.
There shall normally be at least six advisers at a given time, consisting of four advisers representing member countries which are distributed in clusters; one adviser from a regional multilateral development organization within the region , and one from international/regional TVET organization outside the region. Clustering of countries from where Panel of Advisers are invited is based on the following grouping:
Cluster 1 Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan
Cluster 2 Bhutan, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka
Cluster 3 Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand
Cluster 4 Fiji, Korea (Rep. of), Mongolia, Papua New Guinea
Clustering of member countries is made based on groupings such as SAARC countries, ASEAN countries and the rest to represent common interests of countries per each cluster.
Invitation is made on rotational basis following alphabetical order of countries per cluster. Qualified individuals who are eminent personalities in the field of TVET may be requested to serve as Panel of Advisers to perform the following functions:
- Act in an advisory capacity to the Governing Board and Director General with the view to heighten the sensitivity of the College to TVET needs in the region and how to address them;
- Provide solicited guidance to CPSC in ensuring relevance of CPSC programs in the countries and in the region;
- Share relevant information on important projects in TVET where CPSC can play a pro-active role in extending and offering its capacity building capabilities and expertise;
- Extend academic and domain knowledge and input to relevant programs, conferences and symposia on invitation basis